STEA A/S Invests and Builds a New Production Facility in Fredericia
In March 2022, the first sod is cut for a state-of-the-art production facility in Fredericia. STEA’s expansion in Fredericia is taking place in a sustainable and climate-friendly light. A total of 9,300 m2 of production Læs mere...
Amerikanske forskere konkluderer, at træpaller er bedre for miljøet end plastpaller set i et helt livscyklusperspektiv. Nok er træpaller som udgangspunkt ”grønnere” end dem af plastik – men til gengæld kan sidstnævnte bruges mange Læs mere...
Ice airbag – sikkerhed for vores medtrafikanter
Ice airbags i lastbiltrailere gør vejene sikrere Vinterens første sne og is har lagt sig smukt over landet med hvad der deraf følger af trafikale problemer som kø og uheld. Men udover glatte Læs mere...
Our first graduate
After two years of apprenticeship, Daniel Campanella finished his exam in Sales on September 14th – the first in STEA’s history. He completed his final exam with the highest grade possible, a well-deserved 12. Læs mere...